Performance Management

Performance management is the process of creating and maintaining a productive and efficient work environment where employees can fulfill their full potential. Performance management begins when an employee is hired and does not end until they leave NMSU. Performance management is an on-going practice that changes and develops as a team grows and evolves.

The performance management process typically consists of the following three steps: 

  1. Planning
    The planning stage involves meeting with a new employee (or employee who has changed jobs) to discuss expectations for their work performance.

  2. Checking In
    The manager should check in with the employee to ask about their progress on a regular basis. This gives the employee an opportunity to ask questions and provides the manager with a chance to discuss any performance issues. Ideally, this step involves mutual feedback and constructive criticism. You may document these exchanges using a Coaching Worksheet. This is informal, and is only kept dept in the manager’s working file. This process may result in a Performance Improvement Plan, designed to give an employee with performance deficiencies or training gaps, an opportunity to improve.

  3. Review
    Finally, at a predetermined time (end of probation and annually), the manager reviews the employee’s performance and compares it to the original performance plan. This involves determining if the employee met their objectives and exhibits signs of individual growth. The manager also reviews the employee’s work ethic, daily behavior and how they interact with other team members. Then, the manager and the employee collaborate to make a new plan for the upcoming year and set updated goals.
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