Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct
NMSU is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all of its academic and administrative operations. Members of the university and entities controlled by the university have a vital need to recognize and deal with conflicts of interest and/or commitment. Therefore, the university requires periodic disclosures of interests related to university responsibilities as described below.
Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
Faculty and staff of New Mexico State University owe their primary job loyalty and commitment of time to the education, research and service programs of NMSU. Conflicts of interest may occur when the actions or decisions of an employee are such that someone else might think that such are for personal gain rather than to fulfill their responsibilities to the University. Conflicts of commitment may occur when an employee spends so much time on outside activities that it interferes with their ability to perform their position with NMSU.
Conflicts of Interest may be financial or may involve the use of one’s position and power for non-monetary self-interest. Such conflicts may be personal or relate to the institution or related organizations or may involve an individual whose behavior is inextricably linked with their position.
If you are aware of any conflict of interest or believe there is the appearance of a conflict of interest, these rules apply:
Disclose always.
Manage when possible.
Prohibit when necessary and where management is not possible.
Reporting Requirements
All regular employees are required to complete a Conflict of Interest form
- Upon hire,
- Annually (as directed by Human Resource Services), and
- When a conflict arises that has not been previously reported
Additionally, potential conflicts often occur with Research and Sponsored Activities. For more information on reporting in these instances, please refer to Conflict of Interest in Sponsored Projects through the office of Research, Creativity and Strategic Initiatives.
Business Ethics
In addition to reporting any conflicts of interest or commitment, employees are asked to review and acknowledge the Business Ethics Handbook at least once a year when completing their Conflict of Interest form. Each NMSU official, employee and representative also is expected to comply with the Principles of Ethical Conduct expressed in ARP 3.0.
See Something, Say Something
If you become aware of an activity or a relationship that you think does not align with NMSU’s standards of Ethical Conduct or Conflict of Interest policies and practices, following are some options available to you:
- Talk with your supervisor or another leader in your department.
- Consult with one of us in OPR. We’re happy to help you think through your concern and to brainstorm next steps for positive action.
- Report using EthicsPoint® confidential reporting process. You can report anonymously, or you can identify yourself; it’s up to you.
Related Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP):
Ethics, Equity and Equal Opportunity
Hiring, Work Rules and Assignments
Information Management and Data Security