2023 Themes and Announcements
"Accountability and Excellence"
Accountability is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions. In the workplace and in team work, being accountable is a paramount quality, linked with trust, reliability and responsibility.
The pursuit of excellence means we are always looking for better ways to perfect our work and its outcomes. The pursuit of excellence takes commitment, day-in, and day-out. Each day we strive to be the best with our work ethic, our expert knowledge, and our culture. Every member of an organization has a stake in supporting a culture of excellence in the workplace.
As announced in August 2022, major changes were made to the competencies, ratings and approval process. View the announcement memo here for a detailed description of the following:
- The same evaluation form, including performance competencies, will be used to evaluate non-exempt and exempt staff.
- An extra performance competency “Leadership” has been added for those who supervise staff.
- Rating titles have been changed to better describe each type of rating. This will provide clarification tosupervisors so that they can accurately rate an employee’s skill.
- The second level approval in the electronic system has been eliminated.
Competencies (skills and characteristics) have been revised to better reflect the skills needed in our current environment.